
Book free CORDS demo

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Discover CORDS – built to give you more insight, visibility and confidence in delivering a whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing.

Access leading wellbeing questionnaires and surveys.

Monitoring the social and emotional needs of an entire community can often seem overwhelming, yet it is vital to the wellbeing of our school communities.
CORDS uses the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire as well as commonly used mental health questionnaires and surveys used by schools and local authorities. Measure and report on your entire school population, not just individuals. With CORDS you have the flexibility to send assessments to all staff, students, parents and carers with responses delivered straight to your dashboard.

Assess and save time

Assess the mental wellbeing of a child in just 3 minutes.

Identify problem areas

CORDS will auto-score assessments and proactively recommend interventions based on results


Produce personalised mental health and wellbeing plans for every child and improve the efficiency and management of the entire early intervention process

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MIS integration

CORDS works directly with Wonde

Book your free CORDS demo today

Our Pricing Plans

Choose the plan that suits your needs the best.

Register your school in 3 easy steps:

1.Request Account - Schools must complete a form on the MHH website to initiate registration
2.Review & Sign Agreement – Upon approval by MHH, the school’s authorised personnel will receive our agreement for review and signature.
3.Setup Up Account – After signing the agreement, schools will receive login details to set up their MHH account.

There are daily 1:1 and group demos available for CORDS.

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CORDS subscription includes:

Assess the mental health and wellbeing of every child in your setting
Identify proactive interventions based on data-driven recommendations
Utilise the SDQ and other commonly used pupil, staff and parent/carer questionnaire to gain a holistic understanding of each child
Assess progress and deliver proactive, personalised mental health and wellbeing plans for every child
End-to-end system for planning, delivering, and reporting on interventions and referrals - improving the efficiency and management of the entire process
Most Popular Choice



CORDS+ subscription includes:

    Full access to the CORDS platform
    Two places for the SDQ one-day course (worth £500 + VAT)
    Track the effectiveness of interventions over time on an individual and whole school level
    Leverage data-driven analytics, real-time dashboards to evidence your strategies and showcase your school's progress
    Identify mental health and wellbeing trends within demographic groups and report findings to staff, parents and governors

Connect and match the right interventions based on outcomes

CORDS consistently analyses national data to recommend the most appropriate or effective activities, therapies and interventions that are likely to produce the best outcomes for each individual child’s needs.

Evidence a proactive approach

We recommend that schools commit to assessing all students a minimum of twice a year. By doing this you gain better insight and understanding of what is working and where you can improve provision. Using CORDS you are able to produce reports, link emails and documents to and from other agencies, and track your outcomes in one organised place.

Secure data migration and mapping

Move and map your data from your MIS directly into CORDS. We have ensured that your data is transferred safely by working with WONDE. No data is transferred without authority from you. From then on, all data is encrypted and held in our secure platform.

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