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Priorities: In Practice

Why choose Priorities: In Practice?

No matter the size of your school, the complexity of need, or the stage you are at of implementing a whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing, educators never stop striving to improve child outcomes – so we believe support shouldn’t either.

Senior Mental Health Training

Our ‘Priorities: In Practice’ has been awarded as an
accredited DfE training provider, meaning if you
are yet to spend your Senior Mental Health Lead
training funding, you can allocate this to your annual
membership. For those who have attended training
‘Priorities: In Practice’ will enhance your ability to
practically and successfully deliver improvements
within your settings.

A complete model for measuring outcomes empowers senior leadership teams to make informed decisions regarding budgets, ongoing professional development, and best practices. With ‘Priorities: In Practice’ you will have the data you need to continually improve your mental health initiatives.

DfE Quality Assurance

We adhere to the highest standards of quality and
excellence in education. Your school or college can
trust that ‘Priorities: In Practice’ meets and
exceeds industry benchmarks.

Measure your success

Our complete model for measuring outcomes,
empowers senior leadership teams to make informed
decisions regarding budgets, ongoing professional
development, and best practices. With ‘Priorities: In
Practice’ you will have the data you need to continually
improve your mental health initiatives.

Action-Oriented Learning

Our training and coaching programmes take school
leaders and staff through a series of modules, ensuring
that your priorities are not just identified but successfully
embedded into practice. ‘Priorities: In Practice’ is about
taking action and creating real, positive change.

Expert Guidance & Support

Tap into the wisdom of experienced professionals
who grasp the unique challenges of educational
institutions. Join a vibrant community of like-minded
educators, working together to enhance mental health
in schools and colleges through shared experiences and collaborative solutions.

Track and Manage Complex Risk Factors

Track and Manage Complex Risk Factors

We understand that some students require more complex care services. That's why CORDS is designed to help you organise care pathways, track and manage complex risk factors, and coordinate large, multi-disciplinary clinical teams and support workers. With our system, you'll have a comprehensive view of what's going on, enabling you to provide the care your students need effectively.

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Assess and Support Social and Emotional Wellbeing

Assess and Support Social and Emotional Wellbeing

CORDS is your ally in assessing the emotional and behavioural development of pupils aged 4-18. Our platform helps you identify the support each pupil needs, providing you with practical strategies and techniques to help them achieve their full potential in the classroom or nurture group.

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Customise alerts and manage risks proactively

Customise alerts and manage risks proactively

CORDS automation recommends proactive interventions that are known to produce the best outcomes, given the child’s individual needs. Quality care depends on quality data.

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A comprehensive digital assessment library

A comprehensive digital assessment library

We provide a broad range of commonly used questionnaires to suit all key stages. You can access the benefits and flexibility of the leading mental health assessment tools, providing a deeper understanding of the emotional needs within the school environment.

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Engage senior school leaders

As a senior school leader, you play a vital role in shaping the culture and wellbeing of your school community. The Analytics Hub provides you with the necessary tools to lead your school effectively. The ability to access real-time,
evidence-based data enables you to make strategic decisions, allocate resources appropriately, and communicate the progress and impact of your wellbeing initiatives to stakeholders.

Register your setting today

With access to DfE quality assured training to help you develop a whole school or college approach, We can help you with using your SMHL funding for an advanced Mental Health Hub membership. Discover the full benefits of an advanced membership below.


SMHL DfE Accredited Training

Number SMHL144


Full membership includes:


Basic package includes:

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